HomeOthersUTV vs ATV: What's the Difference?

UTV vs ATV: What’s the Difference?

Did you know that the off-road vehicle market size exceeded $20 billion in 2022?

If you’ve ever spent time in the outdoors you’ve likely at least heard mention of an ATV (All Terrain Vehicle). These machines are for the outdoors and take people through a multitude of rugged surfaces with ease. 

Recently, however, a new competition has emerged on the scene in the form of the UTV (Utility Terrain Vehicle). Both vehicles serve a similar purpose, so why would someone choose one over the other?

This article explores UTV vs ATV differences, so you can decide for yourself which term best fits your lifestyle. Keep reading!


A UTV and an ATV are both useful for off-road activities but they vary in performance. The UTV is much larger and more powerful, with more suspension, and a better cargo-hauling capability.

While the ATVs are smaller and more maneuverable, they can’t compare to the brute power of the UTVs. The off-roading performance of an ATV will naturally be better in tight areas with a limited turning radius.

When it comes to power and tackling tough terrain, the UTV wins out. For jobs that require more cargo power, the UTV is also a better choice for hauling other gear and passengers. When UTV buying, it’s important to consider the size and individual job requirements before determining which vehicle would be the best for the task.


ATVs range from $2,000 to more than $10,000 in price, while UTVs range anywhere from $5,000 to more than $20,000. The ultimate price point depends on the features and the type of vehicle.

Generally, ATVs are less expensive than UTVs due to the size difference. The decision between a UTV and ATV comes down to personal preference and budget limitations.

If you are looking for a vehicle to take on more challenging terrain and have more features, you should go with a UTV. Otherwise, an ATV is a more affordable option for recreational riding.

Safety Features 

UTVs and ATVs have numerous differences in terms of safety features. UTVs are safer in that they offer more space, visibility, and comfort. They also tend to have a better suspension system, higher ground clearance, and better brakes which makes them more suitable for off-roading.

Additionally, UTVs typically offer a four, five, or even six-point harness safety belt system. This helps keep the driver and passengers in the vehicle and secure in the event of an accident.

With ATVs, riders usually only have a handlebar, chest belt, and footrests to help keep them secure. They also lack the suspension system of the UTV. This increases the chances of the rider experiencing more impact-related injuries in the event of an impact or crash.

Outfitting and Add-On Capabilities

UTV and ATV outfitting and add-on capabilities are important factors when it comes to outdoor recreation. UTVs can easily be outfitted with plenty of equipment like hunting accessories, safety and storage components, pumps and winches, and various other accessories.

ATVs are used for a variety of activities, including sports, recreational, and utility purposes. Though space is limited, ATVs can still be equipped with necessary add-ons such as storage racks, winch mountings, hitches, and light bars.

With both UTVs and ATVs, the outfitting and add-on capability options are endless. Whether it’s for sport or utility, people can have a great outdoor experience with the right type of equipment.

Speed Capabilities 

UTV and ATV speed capabilities vary depending on the type, size, make, and model, as well as the riding terrain. UTVs are typically more powerful when compared to ATVs and can reach higher speeds. On flat terrain, they can reach speeds of up to 80mph compared to an ATV, which can reach speeds of 50mph.

However, it is important to note that speed capabilities vary from model to model and, when riding on rough terrain, the higher speeds of the UTV can be limited due to suspension and traction. The ATV specs, on the other hand, may be able to reach higher speeds, although their engine power is usually more limited.

Fuel Efficiency 

Generally, an ATV will use anywhere from four to seven gallons of gasoline per hour, while a UTV may use eight to twelve gallons per hour. That said, if you’re looking for sheer fuel economy, the ATV will be your best bet.

Other factors such as terrain or passenger capacity could influence your decision as well. An ATV can be navigated through obstacles more efficiently thanks to its size and agility, but a UTV offers more passenger seating and storage for gear.

If efficiency and fuel savings are top priorities, though, an ATV may be a better choice. It will help you save money while you enjoy a great ride.


UTVs and ATVs both offer exceptional maneuverability and off-road capabilities. UTVs are known for being particularly durable and well-built vehicles. Their four-wheel drive combined with their superior suspension ensures that they can maneuver the toughest terrains with ease.

ATVs, on the other hand, have two wheels and are more lightweight. This allows for a different type of maneuverability that allows more agility and quickness when navigating through trails and tight corners.

Both vehicles offer great control when navigating difficult terrain and have the ability to traverse muddy paths. With UTVs being larger and heavier, they can handle the roughest terrain while ATVs are smaller and lighter, making them the ideal option for someone who needs to get around more densely wooded areas. 

If you are not yet sure which one to pick, consider renting one at Street Legal UTV Rentals. This allows you to experience both rides and help you make an informed decision.

Ultimately it really depends on your desired use. UTVs can provide a more comfortable ride for off-roading with family or friends, while ATVs are intended primarily for single riders and lighter, fast-paced activities.

UTV vs ATV: Choosing the One That Suits Your Needs

UTVs and ATVs are both fantastic all-terrain vehicles for outdoor recreation, but they each have their own unique purpose. ATVs are fit for carrying one passenger and are used for tight trails and technical terrain. UTVs are more suitable for carrying multiple passengers and for tackling hard and wide trails, parks, and hills.

Ultimately, the decision is based on the individual’s needs and preferences. It is important to research the UTV vs ATV differences before settling on one.

For more information, tips, and advice, check out our blog page. We’re here to help in any way we can.

Subhan Saeed
Subhan Saeedhttps://www.updatedjournal.com
Subhan Saeed is the founder of this website. He is an expert in technology, digital marketing, business & finance, and other fields. He is passionate about providing reliable and quality information to his readers.

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