HomeHealth and Fitness3 Tips for Managing a Perforated Eardrum

3 Tips for Managing a Perforated Eardrum

What if your child came home saying they had trouble hearing their teacher talk in school? You might think they were trying to get out of homework, but it could be that they have a perforated eardrum.

Having this condition is no joke — you have to take it seriously. We’ve got all the details on how to take care of a perforated eardrum so you’ll know what to do next time you or your child has this condition.

1. Seek Medical Attention

A perforated eardrum can be caused by some things, such as an injury, an illness, or barotrauma, which is caused by sudden changes in pressure. If you think you have an eardrum perforated or bursting, they can examine your ear and use special tools and methods to figure out if you have perforated eardrum symptoms.

An ENT specialist or other medical professional will be able to give you advice on perforated eardrum treatments. Ear drops, antibiotics, and, in some cases, surgery are all possible ways to treat an ear infection.

2. Protect Your Ear from Water and Foreign Objects

Avoid lowering your head underwater. To reduce the chance of infection and other problems, it’s essential to keep water out of the ear canal. Don’t do things like swimming, diving, or water sports that require putting your head underwater until your eardrum is healed.

Use safety precautions when you shower or bathe as well. To make a watertight seal in the outer ear, use a plastic earplug or a cotton ball lightly covered in petroleum jelly.

It’s vital not to put anything in your ear. These things can hurt the delicate structures of the ear canal, make the hole bigger, or make it more likely that an illness will happen.

If you use headphones or earbuds, put them in or take them out of your ears with care. Don’t push them too far into your ear canal to avoid pain or possible damage.

3. Avoid Loud Noises and Blowing Your Nose Forcefully

When the eardrum is torn, the delicate parts of the middle ear are more likely to get hurt. Being around loud noises could worsen the situation or slow the healing process. To protect your ears, you should avoid loud places like concerts, clubs, and building sites.

Also, blowing your nose hard can cause quick changes in the pressure inside your nose and ears. These changes in pressure could affect the torn eardrum and make it take longer to heal. Don’t blow your nose too hard, especially if you have a cold, sinusitis, or other disease that makes your nose stuffy.

Take Steps To Prevent Perforated Eardrum

Now that you have been given various tips to manage your perforated eardrum be sure to discuss your options with your doctor to determine the best treatment and prevention plan for you. You can manage and even heal a perforated eardrum with the right advice and care.

Do you want to find more helpful info? Check out more of our guides on our blog today!

Subhan Saeed
Subhan Saeedhttps://www.updatedjournal.com
Subhan Saeed is the founder of this website. He is an expert in technology, digital marketing, business & finance, and other fields. He is passionate about providing reliable and quality information to his readers.

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