Teen drug and alcohol abuse is always a hot topic among concerned parents. You’re worried that your child is using drugs or drinking. But what definitive signs can you look out for to know for sure?
They may be lying to you or keeping it a secret. So if you’re concerned that your child may be abusing substances, here are some of the common signs of drug abuse in teens you should be looking out for.
Read on!
1. Bloodshot Eyes
Bloodshot eyes can be a result of using drugs or alcohol, as it can reduce an individual’s ability to produce tears, leading to dry eyes. This can also be a result of excessive rubbing due to being hungover or on drugs.
Bloodshot eyes may also come about as a result of vasodilation. This is the widening of a person’s blood vessels due to increased blood pressure or the release of epinephrine.
However, bloodshot eyes can be subtle and may not appear after a single usage of drugs or alcohol. It may worsen over time due to continuous use. So you need to remain vigilant of addiction symptoms if you suspect that your teen may be having problems with substance abuse.
2. Excessive Sleepiness
Excessive sleepiness is one of the signs of substance abuse in teens. It’s common for young individuals to tire easily and succumb to fatigue due to lack of sleep or other issues. But consistent drowsiness can be an indicator of something more.
Teens who have obscured their daylight hours with drug or alcohol use may manifest excessive dozing off or fatigue. So be on the lookout for teens who often appear unresponsive or drowsy in school. You should also be conscious if your teen is taking frequent naps during the day or sleeping in late.
3. Hostile Demeanor
One of the signs of substance abuse in teens is a hostile demeanor. This may include depressed or irritable moods, aggression, and drastic changes in attitude and behavior. They may display defiance of authority and withdraw from family and friends.
Teens exhibiting these behaviors may be possibly misusing drugs or alcohol. Regularly monitoring changes in their personality and mood can be one way to identify if a substance abuse problem may exist.
Listening to possible explanations and searching for clues in their surroundings can also be helpful. You should also talk as openly and honestly as possible with your teen. This will help make sure they know you are there to provide resources and help if needed.
4. Sudden Changes in Academic Performance
Poor grades, unexcused absences, and truancy can all be signs of substance abuse. Missed assignments and decreased motivation in the form of a slack attitude toward learning can also be a sign.
Substance abuse can have a detrimental effect on self-esteem, which in turn can lead to further academic struggles. If your teen suddenly changes their behavior and performance in school, it may be time to visit a teen rehab center.
Learning the Signs of Drug Abuse in Teens
Drug abuse in teens can have long-lasting and serious repercussions. So you need to be vigilant in recognizing the signs of abuse.
If you have concerns about a loved one, don’t hesitate to reach out to professionals for assistance. You don’t have to face the struggle alone. With help, you can build a stronger and safer future for your teen!
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